Flora and Fauna
    Florida is a unique state in its natural history as well as the physical geography of the peninsula. The flora and fauna here are
abundant, varied and fascinating in their diversity of species. The west coast between Bradenton and Boca Grande is a
wonderful place to observe and enjoy that diversity. We routinely see dolphins, manatees, and many species of birds. Of course,
the profusion of fish and marine life provides opportunities to observe as often as to catch when the water conditions permit, and
they generally do. We sometimes see sea turtles and, on rare occasions, alligators in some of the backcountry areas. The
backcountry mangrove habitats and the broad grass flats are some of the most interesting areas since they both attract a
multitude of species and support such a huge ecosystem. Each is a habitat unto itself, but where they come together, things can
be even more interesting. Both are a novelty to many people unaccustomed to seeing them and few go away without some story,
memory, or photo of something they saw.

    I have studied and observed all of this for as long as I could walk and read and I make it a point to bring that perspective and
opportunity into my trips with customers. I do not mind at all putting the fishing on hold to watch or photograph a pod of dolphins
or a heron or egret going about his business in a picturesque location. I am, in fact, more than happy to take folks on simple sight
seeing or photography trips. My boat is stable enough for good photography and it is not uncommon to approach or be
approached within very short distance by any number of interesting subjects. Obviously I price these differently, but let me know
if this is your interest and we can discuss the options from there.